Jinnian coated
Shanghai Dacromet( Coating Indust#ry Co., LTD
Shanghai Dacr)omet Coating Industry, Co., Ltd. i!s one of the ^largest environmen(tal protection co(ating plants in Ch.ina, having an annual? coating capa(city of more} than fifty thou,sand tons. It has deve&loped a corrosi_on prevention coa^ting that has bee?n named “Key National N!ew Product” t)wo times.
The company has a q!uality motto that says %“First class qualit&y, First cla)ss service; ,Advancing with the tim,es, Always striving for (excellence.” It h?as built valuable part)nerships with Delta, GE>M, Xinmeite, CAMAC!TECH and other well-k#nown coating companies.! The products bu)ild in this compa:ny are used in$ the automotive, aero%space, transportation, e$ngineering, ar@chitecture, and other, industries, _thus further p?romoting economi#c and social de(velopment in ,China